Have U Eva

CLICK BELOW TO LISTEN  HAV U EVA by Neo Blaqness Have you ever wanted to believe so much that you deceive your mind into thinking you have touched something that really isn’t there Have you ever hoped beyond what’s real that you have made your heart start...


CLICK BELOW TO LISTEN  TUMBLING by Neo Blaqness The feeling I had when I woke up today I have had many times before because that’s what it means to find someone you have come to love and adore some might say that it would hurt to hear that you are not the first...


CLICK BELOW TO LISTEN JUDAS by Neo Blaqness Have you ever been let down so bad and so wrong that only your anger and frustration kept you strong then later on when you’re calm you realize how much harm was truly done to your heart in a flash go from strong to...

Sistah Friend

CLICK BELOW TO LISTEN  SISTAH FRIEND by Neo Blaqness Holdin on that was the easy part it is the letting go that breaks your heart that shakes your faith in all that you are because you believed in a love that didn’t last as long as you thought it should but if...


CLICK BELOW TO LISTEN  CHOICES by Neo Blaqness There are many reasons we let go sometimes our burdens are too heavy to expect another to hold or we lack the strength within our grasp to find the faith to simply ask someone dear to stand closer by our side focused only...


CLICK BELOW TO LISTEN AGAIN by Neo Blaqness I have walked as far as I can go I have spoken every word that I know I have broken every rule that I’ve learned crossed every bridge for you and burned them all so hot this glass once sand reflects the co-dependency...


CLICK BELOW TO LISTEN  CANVAS by Neo Blaqness In my mind there is a picture of you in every detail made only of light of every hue no arms no face no legs just grace and I delight in its view each night you colour the skies of my dreams the glistening waters in...


CLICK BELOW TO LISTEN  SOMETIMES by Neo Blaqness Sometimes I try to understand why Sometimes I just start to cry Sometimes I wish I could hold your hand Sometimes just hearing your name is more than I can stand Sometimes your voice still lives in my head Sometimes...


CLICK BELOW TO LISTEN ADIEU by Neo Blaqness I tried to help you understand how much you mean to me but I soon learned the best a man can do is let you see in silence now I took my bow in quiet took my leave of all your doubts despite the shouts my heart did heave at...

It’s Late

CLICK BELOW TO LISTEN IT’S LATE by Neo Blaqness It’s late and here we both are you staring at my words you can’t sleep but somehow this makes you feel closer we don’t really kno each other but I guess sometimes you think I might kno you even better than you kno...

I Know

CLICK BELOW TO LISTEN I KNOW by Neo Blaqness I know I know I know baby I know listen okay shhhh come here I know baby (sigh) It’s ok I know but it’s me and I’m here yes even after all that I know baby because I want to You know that I want to you don’t have to ask and...

Missin My Liscious

CLICK BELOW TO LISTEN  MISSIN MY LISCIOUS by Neo Blaqness The swagga of your thickness the passion of your kisses that nappy doo that favored you oh how I miss my Liscious banana nut muffin recipe I only made so I could see you smile the way you looked at me whenever...

That Day

CLICK BELOW TO LISTEN  THAT DAY by Neo Blaqness The day I almost lost you was such an ordinary day went to work handled my business in my usual way Went for a run sat down for a bite and then I got the call things for you weren’t going right no not right at all...

You Made Me Smile Today

CLICK BELOW TO LISTEN YOU MADE ME SMILE TODAY by Neo Blaqness You made me smile today From a thousand miles away I saw two lovers Walking hand in hand Without a single word to say Their faces Told it all And it reminded me Of you And all the things You do Despite the...

I Luv Me Sum U

CLICK BELOW TO LISTEN I LUV ME SUM U by Neo Blaqness gurl I luv me sum u cuz u got that smile my mamma use to have even when she knew all the things I didnt about my dad Its that keep on keepin on kinda swagg to let your babies know things ain’t all that bad...


CLICK BELOW TO LISTEN VACANCY by Neo Blaqness There’s a place in my bed where I hate to sleep I can’t even turn that way no more without seeing you looking back at me with a light that the darkness neva could absorb I done slept in this room many a day long before you...

ii Boo G

CLICK BELOW TO LISTEN ii BooG by Neo Blaqness In case you ever wondered do I really still think of you of course I do even after all the clouds and storms we been through you see I am the kind who neva minded gettin soaked in the rain barefoot hopping puddles...

Y Luv

CLICK BELOW TO LISTEN Y LUV by Neo Blaqness Why do I even want you in my life I can’t even give you away without paying some price lawd knows Im no saint I don’t do it to be nice I don’t claim you to be something that you ain’t I give you away cuz its right and...

A LETTER: A Message to Myra

CLICK BELOW TO LISTEN Dear Neo Blaqness, A couple weeks ago one of my girlfriends email me how to get to your page. At first I thought you was a comedy because what she sent me was so funny.  I spent the whole evening laughing at a lot of your stuff.  But then I had...

R U Alright?

CLICK BELOW TO LISTEN R U ALRIGHT? by Neo Blaqness Today I got that feelin you know the one that used to stop me dead when I’d call and ask are you alright and you’d say damn baby you must live in my head cuz its scary how you know just when to call...

Somethin’s Broke

CLICK BELOW TO LISTEN SOMETHIN’S BROKE by Neo Blaqness Somethin’s broke but it ain’t my heart cuz it’s still beatin and it ain’t my spirit cuz it’s still leading me wherever I need to be but it rattles my brain when I walk it swells...


CLICK BELOW TO LISTEN MELANCHOLY by Neo Blaqness When happiness fails to find you When memories turn unkind When tears start to blind you With pains from your heart and mind When life dims the brightness of your smile When hope seems to fade with each passing mile...


CLICK BELOW TO LISTEN ECHOES (Inspired by a letter) by Neo Blaqness I heard you the other day I swear It was only in my head but I heard my mouth say things that used to make me scream inside when you used to say them to me and I’d roll my eyes say “talk to the hand”...


CLICK BELOW TO LISTEN NOBODY by Neo Blaqness Unless you were raped nobody made you sleep with that man nobody made you open your legs nobody made you have unprotected sex nobody made you have the baby nobody made you keep the baby nobody made you keep having babies...

Night Grooves

CLICK BELOW TO LISTEN NIGHT GROOVES by Neo Blaqness There’s a song moving through my body inspired by the rhythm of our love that sweet extemporaneous groove we laid down last night where you set the bass and I followed in the tempo striking licks on the lead of...

Prelude to A Kiss

CLICK BELOW TO LISTEN  PRELUDE TO A KISS by Neo Blaqness It began in my mind by the touch of your words Gently breathing on my skin Caressing me with vibes unheard Written thoughts from a friend Succulent tasting Salivating Lips and finger licking good Every morsel...

Matrix Free Blackness

What is Matrix Free Blackness?Although I am unaware of the phrase existing in use elsewhere, Matrix Free Blackness is a phrase I use to describe a point of view that requires the questioning and revisiting of all history and traditions regardless of its sacred place...

Why Are Polyamorists Mostly White?

The generic term of polyamory can include all combinations of reasons and genders. The truth is, many of us live some form of poly even if we don’t see it to admit it. In the black community we see it with a man who has children by multiple women who is often still cared for by each mother.

The Rinse

Have you ever stopped to ponder the negativity you receive from some when you admit that you are meeting or are chatting with a person you met online? Almost inevitably comes the warning of fakes, frauds, and axe murderers masquerading as decent people and the high...

I Refuse To Be Lonely

Never go grocery shopping when you are hungry. I learned that piece of wisdom only after I had blown twice my budget rushing to get food in the house before a snowstorm. I think the same principle needs to be applied to when you are lonely. The emotion of loneliness...

Priorities and Options

I have recently had the occasion to browse through some online profiles and have found the phrase repeating through quite a few as a tag line: “Never make someone a priority who views you as an option”- or something to that effect. On its face it does look...

Looking to God for Answers

I know a lot of people that spend a lot of time on their knees. I mean a LOT of time. In the Christian church they a praised as prayer warriors. I am one who favors the peace of mind and clarity of purpose and direction that can come through prayer. But all too often...

Never Expect

CLICK BELOW TO LISTEN NEVER EXPECT by Neo Blaqness Never expect Someone to carry you If you are Unwilling to walk Never expect Someone to hear you If you are Unwilling to talk Never expect Someone to catch you If you are Unwilling to fly Never expect Someone to live...

I Dream of You

CLICK BELOW TO LISTEN I DREAM OF YOU by Neo Blaqness Somewhere in my nights I dream of you Tho your face I have not known nor the colour of your voice or the brightness of your smile But still I see you in that warm glow that remains long after the sunset Rippling...

I Wish

CLICK BELOW TO LISTEN I WISH by Neo Blaqness I wish I could say I am perfect for you; But I am not even perfect for myself. I wish I could be the one who completes you; But giving you all I have would leave me empty. I wish I could promise you that I could never love...

Prayer of The Modern Man


You Are

CLICK BELOW TO LISTEN YOU ARE by Neo Blaqness You Are More than just a name on my list More than just someone I wanna step to More than a temporary guest In this online world we escape to You might be wishing for somebody to love Or maybe somebody to notice more than...

Of My Father (For Air On Simple Gifts)

CLICK BELOW TO LISTEN OF MY FATHER (For Air On Simple Gifts) The Inauguration of Barack Obama filled my heart more for the sacrifices of my father than any such thing my life has had to endure. Composer John Williams created for the occasion “Air and Simple...

An Essay On Race

Our emergence into cultural prominence is being met by a resurgence of the old guard who spat upon and cursed my father. and they have filled the airwaves with rhetoric I only heard my elders speak of. And from their positions of power and influence, which they quietly maintained their bigotry over the years, they are now feeling free to, once again, speak. Are we to be echoes of a different shade?