by Neo Blaqness | Observations, Reflections |
NEO’S TOP 10 THINGS I CAN’T STAND ABOUT BLACK MEN AND WOMEN 1. That black women don’t take control of their bodies and stop allowing themselves to be impregnated by men they already know have no track record of stability- relationship and otherwise. 2. That black men...
by Neo Blaqness | Observations, Reflections |
NEO’S TOP 10 REASONS A WOMAN WILL STOP CALLING YOU BACK 1. Something you said kicked up feelings she isn’t quite ready to talk about or face. 2. She is afraid to tell you something she fears might run you away. 3. She already got what she wanted out of you...
by Neo Blaqness | Observations, Reflections |
NEO’S TOP 10 REASONS A MAN WILL STOP CALLING YOU BACK 1. You wouldn’t have sex with him. 2. You was too quick to have sex with him. 3. He too busy having sex with somebody else. 4. You wouldn’t give him no money. 5. Some other chick giving him money....