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bigshoesA LETTER TODAY: My GOD Neo. The days when your writing just flows from you I think I will lose my job because I can’t stay off my phone reading your posts. They touch me deep in so many places I never knew a man could take me. I go emotionally all over the place wanting to mother you and then wishing I was your sister or being that friend who gives you a hug. I don’t know if I am being out of line but the combination of your strength and freedom to put your heart out there in such a poetic and intelligent way… well let me just say sometimes I have to leave my desk and go get some ice water.

Do you even realize how potent your words are to a sister like me who has never imagined a brother like you existed? I have to keep telling myself this is only the internet but that excuse does not work when the words I read are so real. I don’t want you to think I am a stalker but I am so in love with the person that you are. You are my daily breath of fresh air after dealing with the majority of the male bull sh*t on this site. I would have already closed my profile by now except for the fact that I check every day at lunch to see if you posted something new.

This is my first letter to you but I will bet you I am not the only sister who has been sitting back reading your stuff and shaking her head. There are at least a dozen more in my department who got a account and added you because I was tired of them stealing my phone and we actually talk about the things you write whenever any of us go to lunch at the same time. Neo you are changing lives that you don’t even know. Mine included. God bless the woman who finally ends up with you. I would be too scared. I know how stupid I can be sometimes and I could not imagine being the one responsible for you not being able to write one day.

I know that probably sounds silly but the empty shoes next to you look pretty big from where I stand and I got tiny feet…hahaha. I am so glad your posts are also on your website because I have been sharing your latest links. Your stories are so personal and the pictures you paint are so real that it gives us women who have not had fathers an inside look into men in a way I never seen before. I will stop running my mouth now. I am sorry if I am getting on your nerves but a man like you is normally too big to talk too and I am getting mine in while I can. LOL. -RENEE

MY REPLY: I am so glad this is the Internet and I am too dark for you to see me blushing right now. Wow. I really don’t know what to say. Your letter is somewhat bittersweet because I know that the calling on my life scares some very good women away. It would scare me away too if I had a choice, but I don’t. Still I am always blessed by letters such as yours. They always touch me deep. The best advice I give to anyone is the same I give to myself. My life is quite a ride. The only real requirement for the person who makes it onto my path is to simply hold on. Fear is an unnecessary weight that will cause you to lose your grip. I have had to learn to be fearless in what I do, and by doing so have had the power to speak in ways I did not know possible from my mind and heart. Out of all the things people assume that someone like me would look for in a woman, the first is how warm is her embrace. Thank you for yours today. -NEO